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« This is a "Translation" article. The skills here represent the latest KR version.

The Seven Solarians (태량, taeryang), or also falsely referred to as 7 Suns, are the first race of Overlord Units and part of the Overlord Grade System, introduced in the SECOND IMPACT patch.

They are a group of 7 individuals who have come together under the Galactic Special Division for the union in the universe, to form a minor specialist group called the 7 Solarians.
Mounting the red Arch Buster, the group and its individuals became known across the universe through their extraordinary deeds and eventually landed on the Titan planet in the SECOND IMPACT storyline.

The name "Taeryang" has no English equivalent. It is one sound off from being "Sun" which is "태양" → "Taeyang", whereas "Taeryang" is → "태량".

Release Order:

  • 1st Wave: All (21/Sept)

Skill format is as follows:

  • 1-3: Active Skills
  • 4-6: Passive Skills
  • 7: MAX Passive Skill
  • 8: ULT Passive Skill
  • 9: ARCH Passive Skill
  • 10: Normal Attack
  • Green indicates recent changes made (either due to buffs/nerfs or reviewed translation)
List of Overlord Units by race
Overlord Ban Icon
Seven Solarians
Overlord Kaihen Icon
Hayden's Wings
Overlord Claye Ethel Icon
Ishtar's Armada
Overlord Isilien Icon
Aria De Kassis
Overlord Inhaeri Icon
Four Mights

Burning Swords, Ban

Overlord Ban Icon Role DPS
Overlord Ban raw
Weapons Longsword, Longsword
KR Warrior card
I am a galactic specialist and leader of the seven Taeryang, Ban.
Overlord Ban Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Ban.
  1. Non-combustible: Yes (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 1)
    Inflicts 3124% damage to one enemy, removes all buffs and decreases DEFDebuff def by 47% for 13.6 seconds. [CD: 11.8 sec]
  2. Non-combustible: Redemption (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 2)
    Inflicts 1820% damage to entire enemy party and stunsDebuff stun them for 10.3 seconds. Stunned enemies receive 88% increased damage (from this skill). [CD: 16.6 sec]
  3. Non-combustible: Battōjutsu (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 3)
    CounterattacksBuff reflect damage for the next 9 seconds. Counterattacks inflict 2180% damage with 100% accuracy and remove the targets buffs. During this state, Ban is granted full ImmunityBuff immunity and tauntsDebuff taunt the entire enemy party. Ban isn't able to use active skills or normal attacks, but ends this state after his 4th counterattack. [CD: 21.1 sec]
  4. One with the Sword (Passive 1)
    Increases main attributesBuff intBuff dexBuff str of entire allied party by 120% and STABuff sta up by 144%. Additionally, increases Ban's Physical-Icon Physical damage by 85%.
  5. Energy of the Blade (Passive 2)
    Increases received damage for entire enemy party by 65% and decreases their ATKDebuff atk by 22%.
  6. Non-combustible: Flash (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Passive 3)
    Each counterattack grants Ban 1 stack of "Slash". Upon full "Slash" gauge, consumes all "Slash" to inflict 80% of his MAX HP to the entire enemy party. Enemeis killed by this skill cannot revive. Inflicts 3630% additional damage to Boss-Type Units.
  7. Ruler of the Frenzy (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged) (Max Passive)
    When this skill hits enemies, inflicts 1836% additional damage and 570% additional damage for each buff on them. Hit enemies are silencedDebuff silence and receive 83% additional Physical-Icon Physical damage for 9.5 seconds.
  8. Non-combustible: Truth (Ultimate Passive)
    Increase Physical-Icon Physical attack by 71% and reduce enemy evasion by 55%. When counter-attacking with "Non-Combustible: Flash", you gain back 2 gauge points.
  9. Non-combustible: ? (ARCH Passive)
    While counter-striking (Passive 3), reduce the enemy's single target attacks by 47%, and if 'Non-combustible: Battojutsu' (Active 3) kills an enemy, its cooldown is refreshed.
  10. Normal Attack (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee): Inflicts damage to one enemy and decreases its DEFDebuff def by 17% for 6.8 seconds.

Notes: Slash's gauge caps at 4 stacks.
Ruler of the Frenzy summons Nebula as his companion. The Nebula Dragon will attack occassionally.
Read about Battōjutsu here. "일섬" (Here translated as "Flash") is something cool and flashy. Let us know if you know its English equivalent.

Shadow of Death, Miyu MK5

Overlord Miyu MK5 Icon Role DPs
Overlord Miyu MK5 raw
Weapons Dagger, Dagger
KR Rogue card
Nya, I'll make you my butler!
Overlord Miyu MK5 Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Miyu MK5.
  1. Arch Blade (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 1)
    Inflicts 3028% damage to one enemy and increases its received Physical-Icon Physical damage by 82% for 16.4 seconds. [CD: 12.1 sec]
  2. Assimilated Shadow (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 2)
    VanishesBuff vanish for 13.5 seconds and increases Miyu MK5's ATKBuff base atk by 120% and ATK SpeedBuff atk spd by 72%. [CD: 19.4 sec]
  3. Raid in the Dark (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 3)
    Inflicts 3124% damage to one enemy. Miyu MK5 attacks enemies from behind for the next 10.4 seconds, inflicting additional damage equal to your attack damage which has 100% Accuracy and is guaranteed critical damage. This effect can not be removed[CD: 14.4 sec]
  4. Sweetness of the Shadows (Passive 1)
    Increases DEXBuff dex by 233% for self and recovers HP by 14% of damage inflicted.
  5. Specialist (Passive 2)
    Increases self Single Target Attack Power by 162%. During normal attacks, inflicts a debuff which prevents HP recovery for targets that have been inflicted with 3 stacks of her bleeding debuffs for 9.4 seconds.
  6. Unrelentless Attack (Passive 3)
    Each time your opponent dies, your melee damage is increased by 177% and fixed damage by 266% for 42 seconds. This effect can not be removed and can maintain up to 6 overlays. Additionally, MK5 can detect stealthed units. [CD: 1s]
  7. Shadow of Death (Max Passive)
    Increases Melee damage by 135% for self. Additionally, "Raid in the Dark" now also increases ATKBuff base atk by 344%% for self and when using 'Assimilated Shadow', your Physical-Icon Physical damage increases by 244%.
  8. Death Energy of Erosion (Ultimate Passive)
    Upon entering the battlefield, 'Raid in the Dark' will activate and last for 12.4 seconds. Attacks during 'Raid in the Dark' will inflict a debuff that lasts for 8.4 seconds and makes it so skills will not activate upon death, a chance to remove buffs, and goes through immunity. If you kill during 'Raid in the Dark', self Melee damage is increased by 640% and damage received is reduced by 80%. MK5 is given immunity to debuffs during 'Raid in the Dark' and cannot be dispelled.
  9. Pact of the God of Death (ARCH Passive)
    Miyu MK5's attacks never miss now, and they attack weaker Healers and damage dealers first in the battlefield (Ignores taunts). While using, Assimilated Shadow, fixed damage increases by 880%, Physical-Icon Physical damage increases by 263%, and a chance to extend stealth. Also, when using 'Death Energy of Erosion' fixed damage is increased by 1540%.
  10. Normal Attack (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee): Inflicts damage to one enemy and inflicts a bleedDebuff bleed debuff which damages for 90% every second, for 9.4 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

Notes: Miyu has been reworked a bit with the ARCH Patch.

Two Faced Light, Ranran

Overlord Ranran Icon Role DPS
Overlord Ranran raw
Weapons Magic Wand, Magic Orb
KR Mage card
It's dangerous to come closer.
Overlord Ranran Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Ranran.
  1. Giant Bitterness (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged) (Active 1)
    Inflicts 3300% damage to one enemy and increases its received Magical-Icon Magical damage by 86% for 14.4 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times and is only used during "Become: Mixed Body". [CD: 1 sec]
  2. Festival of Light (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged) (Active 2)
    Inflicts 1540% damage to entire enemy party and decreases DEFDebuff def by 42%, as well as inflict 894% damage over timeDebuff dot for 19.8 seconds, overlapping up to 8 times. Damage to boss-type enemies increases by 2 times per second [CD: 1 sec]
  3. Become: Mixed Body (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged) (Active 3)
    Becomes the Two Faced Light for 17 seconds in which Ranran increases his Magical-Icon Magical damage by 230%. Upon this skills end, inflict 1770% damage to the entire enemy party as well as 40% additional damage of all the damage Ranran inflicted during its duration. Immune to dispel and prevents Ranran from using normal attacks during this state. [CD: 40 sec]
  4. The other side of the back (Passive 1)
    Increases INTBuff int by 173% and Magical-Icon Magical damage by 110% for self.
  5. Indistingusiable Flame (Passive 2)
    Increases entire enemy party's received Magical-Icon Magical damage by 54%.
  6. Liberated Light (Passive 3)
    Increases Ranged damage by 95% for self. Additionally, during normal attacks, has a chance to decrease "Become: Mixed Body"'s Cooldown by 10%.
  7. Power of Haitai (Max Passive)
    Each time "Become: Mixed Body" is used, Ranran's Buff damage multiplierSkill Damage is increased by 180%, stacking up to 10 times.
  8. The Awakening (Ultimate Passive)
    The duration of "Become: Mixed Body" is increased to 21 seconds. During "Become: Mixed Body", increase self boss damageBuff boss damage by 330% and the additional damage inflicted at the end is increased by 70%.
  9. End of Light (ARCH Passive)
    While using 'Become: Mixed Body', Magical-Icon Magical skills increase attack power 255%, can overlay up to 6 times. Also, it deals 2x damage to boss-type monsters when using any of his Actives.
  10. Normal Attack (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged): Inflicts damage to one enemy and increases INTBuff int for self by 35% for 7 seconds.

Notes: Read about Haitai here.

Tree of Life, Chen

Overlord Chen Icon Role Healer
Overlord Chen raw
Weapons Magic Wand, Magic Orb
KR Priest card
If I get the power, I'll go anywhere!
Overlord Chen Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Chen.
  1. Tree of Life (Active 1)
    Plants the Tree of Life for 16 seconds. Every time the tree grows, it recovers HP for entire allied party by 620% and increases their ATKBuff base atk by 150% for 12 seconds.
    The tree grows 4 separated times and increases all values by 30% each time it does.
    Upon the end of this skill, recovers HP by 660% for entire allied party every second for 12.3 seconds. The tree can revive 1 allied unit and grants them invulnerabilityBuff invu for 5 seconds when doing so. Chen can only plant 1 Tree of Life at a time. [CD: 15 sec]
  2. Tree of Death (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged) (Active 2)
    Plants the Tree of Death for 16 seconds. Every time the tree grows, it debuffs all enemies by increasing their received damage by 65% and inflicting 680% damage every second for 12 seconds.
    The tree grows 4 separated times and increases all values by 30% each time it does.
    Upon the end of this skill, increases the received AOE damage for entire enemy party by 95% and inflicts a debuffDebuff dot that inflicts 1640% damage every second for 15.3 seconds. Chen can only plant 1 Tree of Death at a time. [CD: 15 sec]
  3. Fast Growth (Active 3)
    Quickly grows a planted tree to its maximum state. Also, cleanses all debuffs for the entire allied party and increases their ATKBuff base atk by 174%, as well as their random additional damage by 155% for 9.3 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. [CD: 5 sec]
  4. The Right of Life (Passive 1)
    Upon Chen's death, revives with full HP after 12 seconds. Chen is granted invulnerabilityBuff invu for 4 seconds and Active Skill cooldowns are fully reset.
  5. A Haven of Heart (Passive 2)
    Upon Chen's death, grants entire allied party buffs that allows them to only receive 10% damage if received damage exceeds 10% of their maximum HP, and recovers their HP by 840% every second for 14 seconds.
  6. Preciousness of Life (Passive 3)
    Increases main attributesBuff intBuff dexBuff str by 155% for entire allied party and STABuff sta up by 94%. Additionally increases ATKBuff base atk by 72%.
  7. Energy of Benevolent Life (Max Passive)
    Plants the Soul Tree when using "Tree of Life" or "Tree of Death". The Soul Tree combines the effects of both trees and increases entire allied party's Piercing damage by 720%.
  8. Ancient Soul Tree (Ultimate Passive)
    Planting a "Soul Tree" increases Magical-Icon Magical damage of all allied units by 150% and increases the Magical-Icon Magical damage enemies receive.
  9. Soul of the Forest (ARCH Passive)
    When you plant a Tree of Souls, you increase Magical-Icon Magical damage by 171% and increase the Magical-Icon Magical damage enemies take by 72%. Each stage of growth increases the effect of the soul tree by 30%.
  10. Normal Attack (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged): Inflicts damage to entire enemy party or recovers HP for entire allied party by 80% of Chen's ATK.

Notes: They did not mention when the trees grow nor whether all effect values increase.
Both Life and Death tree can be planted, just not multiple versions of them, except for the Soul Tree.

Blue Lightning, Ion

Overlord Ion Icon Role DPS
Overlord Ion raw
Weapons Bow, Quiver
KR Archer card
Chuuung! Charge complete!
Overlord Ion Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Ion.
  1. Steam Punk (Physical-Icon Physical/Ranged) (Active 1)
    Inflicts 3248% damage to one enemy and increases its received Ranged damage by 85% for 13.4 seconds. [CD: 12.5 sec]
  2. Plasma Emission (Physical-Icon Physical/Ranged) (Active 2)
    Inflicts 1620% damage to entire enemy party and increases their received Physical-Icon Physical damage by 83% for 10.5 seconds. [CD: 17.8 sec]
  3. Hollum Bike Overload (Physical-Icon Physical/Ranged) (Active 3)
    Increases Ion's Ranged damage by 230% for 10 seconds, and inflicts 2540% damage to entire enemy party every second. Every time Ion inflicts damage, she increases her additional Boss Damage by 260% for 13.4 seconds, stacking up to 10 times. Gains full ImmunityBuff immunity after using this skill. This skill is used instantly after acquiring full "Hollum Bike" stacks. [CD: 1 sec]
  4. Mood Maker (Passive 1)
    Increases DEXBuff dex by 220% and Ranged damage by 72% for self.
  5. Hollum Bike Charge (Passive 2)
    Grants 4 "Hollum Bike" stacks every time she hits an enemy. Upon 40% "Hollum Bike" stacks, normal attacks and "Steam Punk" will inflict 2x their damage and inflict splash damage. "Plasma Emission"'s damage is also 2x.
  6. Blue Flash (Passive 3)
    Increases additional Boss damage by 150% for self.
  7. Master of the Hollum Bike (Max Passive)
    "Hollum Bike Overload" now increases Ranged damage by 166% and DEXBuff dex by 221% for self. Stacks up to 10 times. Additionally, each time "Hollum Bike" stacks are acquired, increases the acquisition by 2 up to a maximum of 10.
  8. Uncontrollable Power (Ultimate Passive)
    Increase AoE damage by 173%. When using "Hollum Bike Overload", increase Boss damageBuff boss damage by 240%, overlaying up to 8 times.
  9. Power of Ancient Civilizations (ARCH Passive)
    AoE Damage is increased by 257%, and 'Hollom Bike Overload' deals 2x damage to boss-type monsters
  10. Normal Attack (Physical-Icon Physical/Ranged): Inflicts damage to one enemy and increases DEXBuff dex by 35% for 7 seconds.

Notes: Hollum Bike's gauge caps at 100 stacks, thus 40 stacks trigger the skill.

Momo of the Earth

Overlord Momo Icon Role Tank
Overlord Momo raw
Weapons Longsword, Magic Orb
KR Paladin card
Mmmm... that's true.
Overlord Momo Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Momo.
  1. Blessing of the Earth (Active 1)
    Grants entire allied party 3 blessings of the earth for 11.4 seconds. Grants 640% PiercingBuff purple damage damage and recovers their HP by 840%. Each time an ally is healed by the blessing, one blessing is consumed. This skills effects are lifted when all blessings are consumed. [CD: 17.6 sec]
  2. Power of the Earth (Active 2)
    Increases entire allied party's ATKBuff base atk by 155% and increases damage when attacking enemies by 1030% of ATK. [CD: 18.4 sec]
  3. A Great Earthquake (Physical-Icon Physical/Melee) (Active 3)
    Inflicts 2320% damage every second to entire enemy party and increases their Active Skill cooldowns by 10% by a set chance for 8 seconds. Hit enemies receive 40% more damage for 8.4 seconds. Stacks up to 8 times. Additionally, blessings from "Blessing of Earth" are not consumed over a 8 second duration. [CD: 20.3 sec]
  4. Abandonment of the Earth (Passive 1)
    Increases main attributesBuff intBuff dexBuff str by 164% for entire allied party and increases their DEFBuff def up by 31%.
  5. Enlightenment of the Earth (Passive 2)
    Grants entire allied party the ability to recover their own HP by 450% upon normal attacks. Additionally, increases entire allied party's ATKBuff base atk by 80% for 6.2 seconds upon it.
  6. Call of the Earth (Passive 3)
    Increases entire allied party's ATKBuff base atk by 58%.
  7. Sage of the Earth (Max Passive)
    "Blessing of Earth" now grants 6 blessings and its Piercing damage buff value is x2.
  8. Master of the Land (Ultimate Passive)
    Increases allied fixed damage by 247%. "Blessing of the Earth" will also increase Skill Damage by 175%.
  9. Wonder of Earth (ARCH Passive)
    Blessing of Earth increases allied fixed damage by 1580%, while also doubling the health that is recovered when hit. Also, damage done to enemies while under the effect of 'Power of Earth' increased to 1545%. (is 1030% by default, so a 515% boost)
  10. Normal Attack (Physical-Icon Physical/Ranged): Inflicts damage to one enemy and decreases its DEFDebuff def for 6.8 seconds.

Notes: No value was given for the DEF decrease on his normal attacks.
The first active's heal should work as Transcended Kymael's heal, meaning it restores the HP once a certain HP threshold is reached.

Galaxy Angler, Arin

Overlord Arin Icon Role DPS
Overlord Arin raw
Weapons Magic Wand, Magic Orb
KR Incanter card
Taniku! Holo! Time to eat!
Overlord Arin Icon Visit the Gobal/Individual main article Overlord Arin.
  1. The Guardian Deity Holo (Active 1)
    Arin has a 40% chance to invoke Holo for 17 seconds. Holo inflicts damage to one enemy with normal attacks. Every 6.6 seconds Holo inflicts 2200% damage to the entire enemy party and increases the target's received damage by 84% for 14.3 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
    If "fishing" Holo failed, the chance for the next activation is increased by 10%. Removes these chance increase buffs after a successful invocation. Holo is immune to Summon removal skills. [CD: 14.5 sec]
  2. The Patronnes of Taoism Taniku (Active 2)
    Has a 40% chance to invoke "Taniku" for 17 seconds. Taniku inflicts damage to one enemy with normal attacks. Every 9.5 seconds Taniku increases the ATKBuff base atk of the entire allied party by 140% for 16.3 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
    If "fishing" Taniku failed, the chance for the next activation is increased by 10%. Removes these chance increase buffs after a successful invocation. Taniku is immune to Summon removal skills. [CD: 14.5 sec]
  3. Light of Abyss (Active 3)
    Increases the chance for a successful invocation by 40% and increases entire allied party's ATKBuff base atk by 163% for 22.5 seconds. The "fishing" chance increase buffs are not removed after a successful invocation. [CD: 17.3 sec]
  4. Penetrating Darkness (Passive 1)
    Increases entire allied party's Boss damageBuff boss damage by 143% and random additional damage by 174%.
  5. Fear for the Abyss (Passive 2)
    Increases Arin's Summon's main attributesBuff intBuff dexBuff str by 450% and their ATKBuff base atk by 830%.
  6. Abyssal Nightmare (Passive 3)
    Increases entire allied party's Boss damageBuff boss damage by 110% every time Arin's Summons are invoked.
  7. Master of the Abyss (Max Passive)
    When Holo is invoked, increases entire enemy party's received damage by 65%. When Taniku is invoked, increases entire allied party's ATKBuff base atk by 94%.
  8. Sleeping Power in the Abyss (Ultimate Passive)
    "Light of the Abyss" increases all allied Physical-Icon Physical damage by 240%. Increases Buff boss damageBoss damage of all allied units by 144%.
  9. Abyss Festival (ARCH Passive)
    Summons both the Frog and the Wolf at the same time, cannot summon two of the same kind at once. (Chances are still RNG)
  10. Normal Attack (Magical-Icon Magical/Ranged): Inflicts damage to entire enemy party or increases ATKBuff base atk of entire allied party by 30% for 6.4 seconds.

Notes: Holo and Taniku inflict Physical-Icon Physical damage.
Pre-ARCH can only invoke 1 summon at a time. At ARCH, both Active Skills 1 and 2 have a chance to summon both at the same time.
Read about "Taoism" here.
